
Countdown to Gameday

Season Opener - 9.6.24

Win The Offseason

High School Summer Weights | Middle School Weights | Youth Football Camp | Raider Team Camp
High School Summer Weights
Get Stronger. Build Community. 

6.3.24 – 8.1.24 | Mon-Thurs

*$120 if paid by 4.1.24

Session A: 7am | JV/Varsity Football
– Led by Football Staff

Session B: 8am | 8th Grade & Freshmen Football
– Led by Football Staff

Please register online and pay via the following:

Venmo: @coachfoster3
Checks Payable to: SMS FOOTBALL, LLC
Please include player(s) name(s) in the note or memo

Middle School Summer Weights
Strength | Agility | Speed Training

6.3.24 – 7.17.23 | Mon & Wed


Session E: 11am | All Middle School Athletes (Co-Ed)
Led by SMS Football Staff and Co-Ed Coaches


Please register online and pay via the following:

Venmo: @coachfoster3
Checks Payable to: SMS FOOTBALL, LLC
Please include player(s) name(s) in the note or memo

Youth Football Camp (K-6)
Agility | Speed Training | Skillwork | Flexibility | Football Knowledge
June 25-27 | 6:30-8PM @ SM SOUTH STADIUM
Sign up your Future Raider for a 3-night camp led by South Coaches and Select Players. In this non-contact camp your child will be coached through warm-ups, drills, game simulations, and have a lot of fun. We welcome girls and boys who will be entering K – 6th Grade in Fall ’24. 

Please submit a separate registration form for each child and bring the completed and signed waiver to the first night of camp.  Download HERE.

*Camp Shirt Included*

Cost: $45
(camp shirt included)

Venmo: @coachfoster3
Checks Payable to: SMS FOOTBALL, LLC
Please include player(s) name(s) in the note or memo

Middle School Football Camp (7th-8th)
Agility | Speed Training | Skillwork | Flexibility | Football Knowledge | Scheme | Drills | Playbook

7.16.24-7.18.24 | 6pm – 7:30pm
Incoming 7th and 8th | SM South Football Stadium

Cost: $75
(camp shirt included)

Venmo: @coachfoster3
Checks Payable to: SMS FOOTBALL, LLC
Please include player(s) name(s) in the note or memo


Please submit a separate registration form for each child and bring the completed and signed waiver to the first night of camp.  Download HERE.

Raiders Team Camp
Skillwork | Teamwork | Scheme | Film Study | Execution

7.8.24 – 7.11.24 | 9am – 11am | Incoming 9-12

$100 ($180 multi-sibling discount for 2 players)
Registration & Payment due June 1

Please register online and pay via the following:

Venmo: @coachfoster3
Checks Payable to: SMS FOOTBALL, LLC
Please include player(s) name(s) in the note or memo